Saving our country is the most important goal imaginable. We truly have a chance to do it right now. Your righteous work will always be rewarded. The reason behind the fight, fight, fight. Get me my shoe so I don't look unkempt. Fighters always keep going. Some people may not be ready for the truth. Liberty is so precious and it's easy to take for granted. Concerned citizens need to speak up, and loudly. Christopher Wray was dry, but accurate. The most complicated threat environment we've ever observed. Is Biden up to it? The briefings have been fine. Why are so many questions still unanswered? God controls everything. The corruption goes deep in bad states. Being ahead of your time leaves few ears to hear. Is Oprah in the electoral picture? What exactly did she do in Africa? Trump took the risks for the people. JD Vance and his wife bring up lots of questions. Never forget how Ceasar died. The people are the true backstop for freedom. We must be able to make choices for our kids. If you want to be free, we have to do it by the book. As shown throughout our history, it will be We The People who bring it home.